WARNING: don't play if you might have epilepsy.

Keyboard required. Does not work on mobile.

Hello everyone!

This is my my eighth upload in a series of a Game-A-Week projects I took under Bennett Foddy's Prototype Studio class at NYU. Many of them were about me trying to learn specifics of coding and experimenting designs that were too weird to continue development while trying to make something funny with it. These projects were actually made four years ago, and it was part of my plan to take this long to go back to them, make them presentable and release them to the public here.

Trap a Bass is... Maybe a troll game? Our theme was just that the gameplay loop should take 10 seconds, for some reason I just mish-mashed a bunch of memes and came out with a game-like experience on top. 


  • Use the Up and Down arrow keys to control your bear arms.
  • Space to catch a fish

Your objective is to catch a fish in less than 10 seconds, before the bass drops. If you don't, you will starve. 

Headphones recommended. Definitely don't play this on mute.

Disclaimer: I didn't do, nor I claim to own, any of the music or art in this game.

The art is from Spriters-Resources


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WTF.... :D

(1 edit) (+1)

That's the exact reaction I expected. Thanks for playing!